Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 75 Joy playing tennis with my son.

Earlier today my son asked me if we could play tennis today.  He explained it is the perfect weather for it, not too cold or hot!  After dinner tonight, I opened the door slightly to his room where he was playing and said, how about some tennis?  His face lit up and he jumped up at the opportunity.  He used my first racket I had used in high school, while I used my favorite.  I told him I couldn't promise, as I didn't know if the one set of courts in town would be open, but sure enough, they were not only open, but to my surprise recently repaved!  I played tennis for the first time with him once last summer, as he had found my high school trophy and was so excited to learn about my past.  This evening, again, it was a surreal feeling to play a games I spent all four years of my high school playing and quite a few before...with my own son across the court from me this time.  His smile, enthusiasm, how could it not fill me with joy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 74 Joy in a neighbors backyard.

This afternoon, after the official back-to-school registration was done at the high school, I was getting ready to take my puppy for a walk when I saw my two neighbors outside.  Soon, my daughter came out to see what we were chatting about and the one across the street with three dogs, a fenced in yard and what we joke as the neighborhood dog park, invited us to have the dogs play.  It was the first time my daughter had been in the back with all the fun of the doggies everywhere, she soon went and got my son out from inside our house.  Before we knew it, our neighbor was getting out her bean bag toss game and the kids, furry and two-legged where all having a blast.  A random afternoon turned out to be so much fun, chatting with two neighbors, watching all the doggies playing and feeling joy surrounding us.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 73 Joy in an early morning.

My daughter began her flute lessons this morning, dropping her off at 8AM, after the luxury of being able to not leave the house that early for weeks!  A reminder of school mornings right around the corner.  Why am I finding joy in this early morning, because it was also a chance to come back and celebrate time with my kids, know that we still have a few weeks of summer together.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 72 Joy in time around home.

Today, I am glad I made the right choice for our family and spent the day at home.  The kids could stay in their PJs as long as they wanted, I got to read a good amount of my newest library book and it was much less stressful.  This evening, watching family Disney shows together, seeing everyone relaxed and laughing, I was filled with so much more joy than the night before.  It's true that sometimes you need to just stay home and enjoy a break.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 71 Joy in hugging my daughter again.

After a full week without seeing my 11 year old daughter for the first time ever, it was an exciting afternoon to see her, hug her and listen to her share all about her week away.  Kayaking, tubing, fishing, finding a 'root beer' waterfall, get interview on a local news station at the parade they were many stories and smiles.  As much as I missed her, it was so good to hear all the fun she was able to have by going.  I was so overjoyed to be able to hug my daughter again.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 70 Joy in starting a new adventure.

Today I met about stepping up from a Preferred Arbonne customer to an actual active Consultant.  With two friends finding great success and joy in the business and already a happy customer, I decided to give it my all for a year and see what happens.  It can't hurt to try and see if I can make a side business of it, as I am needed to find some source of another income at this point in my life.  Making those first brave calls this afternoon, I was starting to feel the joy after hearing friends say, "Yes, I'd love to help you out."  Of course, not everyone said yes to hosting today and from past experience with Creative Memories, I am aware not everyone will, but now, at least I can say I've tried!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 69 Joy in doing something on a whim!

This evening, when my son and I were looking at the on-line movie schedule for the new Disney Movie "Planes" schedule tomorrow, we discovered it was showing at 9:30 tonight!  Being the night owl he has been the past week, I know he hasn't been falling asleep until 11 anyway, so I asked him if he'd want to see it now (as I discovered this we had just enough time to get to town to see it).  So, to great surprise to him, we got ready, headed in to Madison and made it!  We hadn't been to a movie for so long, to our surprise, they had redone the theatre and it was great.  Then, when we enter number 8, we were the only ones!  Soon after three more came in, but son was SO was mom, as I knew, going to a morning showing tomorrow meant it would be packed, with TONS of little kids talking during the show.  Well, from the jumping cheer of "That was AWESOME" as we left the show and entered the lobby...I knew, this was a whim of a night, filled with joy I won't soon forget.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 68 Joy in a field.

I left out the last word in my post title today, which should read sunflowers.  Last night, after the picture of my three sunflowers I had purchased for myself, I saw a friend who found a field full of them, as her picture showed.  I found out that it wasn't too far away, so once I convinced my son, we headed out to find the conservatory these amazing flowers were growing in.  I had never been to a sunflower field in person and let's just say this field surpassed my expectations!  My son and I didn't even make it to the end of the was as if it went on forever.  As I said to my sister, along with a few of the photos I had taken, it's like a little taste of Italy, in Wisconsin.  True joy and awe walking alongside the great sunflower field today.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 67 Joy in buying sunflowers for myself.

This afternoon, I had been looking forward to visiting a vineyard nearby with two good friends.  When I found out we had to reschedule, I knew my son would still want to attend the play-date I had set up for him, so I decided to run some errands on my own.  After making a return, picking up a few things I had needed in town, I then did some enjoyable window-shopping at some of my favorite shops near Hilldale.  Anthropology, Title Nine, all things out of my budget, but when just looking, know one else knows this.  I did make one purchase, as I knew the upscale grocery store always had a beautiful selection of flowers, many of them from local farmers.  I walked through their display and into huge cooler filled with buckets of flowers as well as arrangements.  Then, I saw them, amazing sunflowers, larger than my wide open hand and under $2 each.  I asked if I could have three wrapped and with a huge thank you and smile, I checked out and walked proudly with my purchase to my minivan.  Coming home, picking up my son from his friends and placing them in my family room, I couldn't help but smile.  Fresh flowers, even when purchased for yourself, can definitely fill you with joy.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 66 Joy in a phone call.

My daughter, who is eleven years old, left at 8 AM Saturday morning for her first trip away from home for a week.  She was so excited to go with her good friend and their family, up north to a cottage by the lake.  I was excited for her to have the opportunity, but as my son pointed out, she's NEVER been away that long!  I will miss her too much!  Well, we have made it three days now and we excitedly received our first call from her.  She sounded a bit tired, but happy, having went tubing behind a speedboat for the first time...having kayaks and paddles boats and Bingo at night to play.  She was having a great time, which is all I needed to hear.  Joy today, among other things, was hearing her voice again in that call.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 65 Joy watching a free ski show.

Earlier this evening, my son and I were climbing to the garden top terrace to watch his first water ski show.  We made it just as the practicing was finishing up and found ourselves pulling up two chairs near the large curved steal rails and had a great view from above.  We watched the skiers go by, in a pyramid form, going off the jump, a large group dancing side by side...reminding me of the ski shows my sister and I use to attend each summer near my grandparents cottage in northern Wisconsin, it was a fun evening event Then, the reality of hunger kicked in (I had asked earlier, but apparently we could only focus on getting to the show).  Fortunately, the roof top café was right there and not too bad for pricing, so we went for it.  Fish tacos for mom and of course, a hot dog meal for my son.  The best memory was sitting there eating and watching the show on such a beautiful summer evening with a wonderful son, what a joy.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 64 Joy in new places.

Today, I took my son picking raspberries for the first time.  It's amazing how the simplest things can be so fun.  Discovering where the ripest berries are, watching the bees keep busy working and staying away from us, watching the farmer cutting the grass in the adjoining field.  The sunny sky and not-to-hot August day made time just disappear.  After returning home, we ate lunch, picked up our 5 month old puppy and headed to a new-to-us State Park just under a half hour away.  I had heard it had a dog beach as well as park and my son was up for the trip, so off we went.  Just as I was about to pull off the country highway and try and figure out where we were, I saw the sign, entrance and in moments we were walking down to the dock and beach were a couple other dogs were happily playing.  It was so fun to watch as our puppy watched for the shore, went in knee deep and eventually just sat, taking all the action in.  Again, I had know idea how long we were there, but it was such a wonderful time, watching all the dogs frolic, play, splash and sniff.  You could see their smiles and their owners as well.  So much joy in new places/experiences today.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 63: Joy in distractions.

While I was continuing to learn about 'The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs" in Ted Kerasote's book Puakka's Promise this evening, my puppy had other plans.  We had just came in from playing catch...after the kids and I (as well as she) had ate dinner.  I thought she was ready to flop while I picked up where I left off on studies and reports on feeding our dogs when I was distracted, over and over by an adorable face peaking up over the edge of my chair.  I finally laughed, picked up my cell phone and snapped a picture, putting down my book and went outside to play and then take her on a nice long walk.  Apparently we both needed the distraction from reading, as otherwise I wouldn't have seen the beautiful purple highlights at the bottom of the sunset this evening.  Distractions, at the right times, can certainly bring joy.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 62 Joy in a dog hug.

While the emails of new teachers and class lists, birthday parties and friends over to play, today ended up being a more hectic day than I had woke up thinking it was.  When my son ended up sick this evening, probably more exhaustion I am thinking, it was a reminder to stop going.  As I am taking a break from my recent book I have dove into, I am thinking back on the day as to what brought me the most job...I think that giant, calming smile from my puppy.  She had once again climbed/jumped up on my recliner, this time paw around each side of my stomach, literary hugging me and almost nose to nose with my face with the largest I LOVE YOU MOM smile.  How can that not be my moment of joy for today.  Of course, I couldn't capture it on film, but I did get another great smile as I was making our dinner.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 61 A wonderful summer night.

This evening, my son and I set out to attend his first Concert on the Square.  We hit a downpour on the way, but at just the perfect time to stop in one of our favorite libraries that was just blocks away.  After both of use had an armful of new books to explore, the sun came back out and onward we went.  We made it just at the perfect time, as we hadn't brought a blanket, but found friends who we stopped by to say hello to.  His face was in awe as he was taking it all in...I believe they announced that there were over 20,000 people downtown in attendance.  We headed to a Starbucks for him to use the restroom and ended up with fruit and a cake pop for his dinner, discovering their little outdoor bistro table had a great place to watch/listen to the concert from!  After a few songs he was ready to walk, which is what we did, own to the Terrace to look out at a beautiful summer evening on one of Madison's wonderful lakes.  As we were passing the first planting of flowers, he ran over and posed, saying, "Mom, you can take as many pictures as you want tonight!"  Later, he took over the camera and had fun taking photos of the fountain, flowers and more too.  As we were driving home, watching the sunset, he told me that was the best evening.  Explaining next summer, we have to go to all of those (unless they are the singing ones) and make my sister come too!  How can a mom not be full of joy after a night like that.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 60 Joy in researching side job ideas.

This summer I have been reading books on how people created their own businesses as well as on dogs.  Many of the books I have been reading say to start by looking at what you are passionate about.  Well, there are many things I am passionate about, ofone being loving and caring for my dog (as well as my kids!).  So as I was reading about the healing powers of dogs, I started brainstorming dog therapy ideas as well as working with dogs and kids down the road.  In the meantime, a neighbor mentioned/asked if my daughter was interested in doing some dog walking for a friend of hers.  I got to thinking more about it, as I'm not sure it would be her first choice, but it got me searching online for business in the area and anywhere about dog walking.  Ironically, about the same time, a friend posted that there was an opening in a bigger city's business for a dog walking and pet care job.  The only downfall was the drive as well as the over-night in home sitting that wouldn't work for me.  So the excitement of the search continues as I am coming up with name ideas and creating a logo.  Being a town a good 20-30 minutes from a big city, another neighbor today agreed that many people in town would probably love having someone check in on and play with/walk their pets while they work during the day.  You have to start we'll see!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 59 Joy in comments my 8 year old son says...

A day or two ago, my son asked me, "Mom, did you know there is a TV station that has sports on it ALL the time!?  It's ESP"..."N?"  I responded.  Yes!  You knew about this? He came back with.  This was a couple days ago, but I still can't stop thinking about it.  Among comments this evening...out of the blue he asked me if I keep all of our calendars.  I explained I keep the ones I have on our fridge, that I put pictures on and keep in our family scrapbooks, but not the other one that has ever little detail on it.  Of course, I then asked why?  He continued his thoughts with telling me that he wants to make sure he has them when he is old and retired and all and he can look at them and remember all the fun stuff he did when he was a kid.  Prior to this, he was petting our 5 month old puppy and told me, "Mom, I want to die cuddling with Bella, because I love her so much and she is just the best!  Oh, but I suppose she will probably die before me, unless she lives a really long time."

Yes, the random thought processes of an 8 year boy, my son is something that can definitely fill you with joy.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 58 The Joy of living vicariously through friends Facebook photos!

Yes, I realize I spend way too much time on Facebook in the evenings once my children are finally in bed.  A perk, I also realize, is the fun of enjoying vacations, bridal showers, wedding parties and more of friends and especially this summer, feeling as though I am traveling vicariously along with them.  When you live in a world where you can stay in touch with a friend that was your next door neighbor 15 years ago, as well as see the fun your new neighbors had all at the same next, it does make you appreciate some aspects of technology.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 57 Joy in the garage

As we hit a record low high for July in Wisconsin, I loved the slightly cooler temperatures and enjoy spending time cleaning and organizing our garage.  We move at the end of February this year and with the weather and teaching, I hadn't dealt with the items in our garage.   I did a basic set up so the kids could get to their toys, we could use our mower, gardening tools, but didn't want to deal with all the bins and totes that needed taking care of.  Before I knew it the warm, humid heat hit and I had no desire to clean and sort in that weather either.  Today, it was time!  It's also amazing how you can loose track of time when you are really getting into doing something.  I had stopped to make dinner for the kids and I, but when I went back to organizing, my favorite part, I had no idea so much time had passed when my daughter came out for the third time wondering if I was ever coming in.  My favorite part was when she said, "Whoa, Mom, now you can tell this actually is a two car garage!"  I'll take that as a complement and am excited to go back to work on a bit more decorating in there tomorrow!  Yes, I actually am typing that I found joy in cleaning my garage...I think it was the progress/accomplishment that did it for me!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 56 Joy in a walk around the luminaries

This evening, the kids and I walked over to our local park where this year's Relay for Life is being held.  Last year was the first year my daughter cheered for the event and it was then that I discovered more about it.  For many years now, families and friends set up tents in teams, many with fun themes and decorations to raise money in honor of those who have died or survived a fight with cancer.  Around the edge for the park is a walking path of luminaries, each with a personal name and message in  honor of a loved one.  As I recognized a few of the names in town and thought of members for our own family we have lost to cancer, I was at the same time filled with a sense of community, joy in celebrating their lives and proud of the place we live.  It was the first time the kids and I had experienced the lights at dusk, but I plan to make it an annual event for our family too. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 55 Joy reading about making a profit with passion and purpose

Discovering a new-to-me section in the library this summer has been thought provoking about how to taking your passion and purpose in life to create a business.  First reading about Starbucks, tonight reading about Zappos.  I have been enjoying how the author, Tony Hsieh, shares his process of getting to where he is in life, each step/path he has taken bringing him to his next purpose in life.  I have been finding in joy in reading how others have done this in their lives.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 54 Joy in a hummingbird

This morning, as I was looking out my front window, I was shocked, surprised and delighted to see the first hummingbird at our new feeder I had just put up last night.  The beauty of the bird, it's amazingly rapid fluttering wings, it's elegant emerald green body, brought back memories of the birds at my grandma and grandpa's cottage up north as well as their home in Arizona.  One of the last times we had went to visit them in Arizona, I was probably in high school and discovered the love of cameras.  I remember how tame the birds that visited their feeder were, as I could sit out on their patio and get close up pictures of those amazing birds.  Today, I was taken back to that joy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 53 Joy in backyard off-leash football

This even, I took a wonderful walk with my puppy and saw a beautiful sunset.  As we got home, I heard the kids out in the backyard, so we headed back to see the two of them playing with my son's glow-in-the-dark football.  Our dog wanted to join in, so I thought we'd give it a try, for the first time, to let her off her leash in the back.  She is only 5 months and we do not yet have a fence, so I wasn't sure...but it was a huge success!  Watching her run along side or sometimes pass my son to retrieve the ball, a couple times from a bush off to the side, it was so much fun!  All three of us were so proud, excited and full of joy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 52 Teenage Puppy Class Graduation

Yes, tonight we finished our second six week class with our puppy this evening.  Not only did she pass, but all the puppy did such a great job.  The did sit, down, look all on command....were doing stay, leave-it and having a great time during their play/socialization time.  For fun, they had the puppies work on some agility work...through cones and a kids took our puppy through and had a blast.  After posting the picture of the 'four' of us online, the owner of Dog Face, the company we train through, posted, "What a team!"  So true and that comment as well as the class sure has brought me joy.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 51 Joy in updating scrapbooks

This evening I picked up some recent pictures from the past few weeks, sorted through them and began adding them to my scrapbooks.  While getting out my son's sports scrapbook, he excitedly looked back on the pictures from when he we "little", at his first year of soccer, basketball, baseball and more.  I love seeing the faces of my children when they look back through photos of their past, their memories coming back to them of events and the smiles that come across their faces.  I suppose that's why it is my favorite hobby.  As watching my children enjoy their scrapbooks definitely brings me joy.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 50 Joy at the art fair

This afternoon, my kids and I attended the summer art fair in our town.  It was funny, as we drove through town last night, seeing some of the artists setting up their tents, my son questioned if every town has an art fair.  I responded that I don't think so, but explained that we are lucky to live in a town with a great one.  So today, as I attempted to show the kids different styles of art, I keep replaying the moment when all three of us were looking at fantasy paintings, with bright, vivid colors, I actually had both of my children interested, pointing out details, I loved it.  They weren't complaining about the heat, crowds, asking when do we have to go home?  They were enjoying the moment as was I...a moment of joy.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 49 Joy watching my son and puppy

Today, our golden puppy turned five months old!  We took her in to be weighed and stopped at the nearby Michael's Frozen Custard, a local chain that makes a K9 Custard for dogs, in small containers they can lick out of.  After we had been home for awhile, my son began chatting with our puppy, I really am not sure what was being said, but seeing them together, so happy, how could it not bring me joy.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 48 Joy of living in the moment.

Today, could have been a challenging day as it would have been my 15th wedding anniversary...had I spent the day living in the past.  Instead I lived in the moment today, enjoying a great afternoon with two close friends and all 9 of our kids filling her house and the yard with laughter.  This evening, I had the joy of watching my son play his last coach pitch game for the summer.  Not to mention a puppy overly glad to see me when we were around home this morning, dinnertime and evening!  Yes, there is something to be said about not feeling sad about the past or worrying about the future...even if only for one day, you can enjoy the present, that one day just might be filled with joy as mine was.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 47 Joy in a fresh coat of nail polish!

This evening, after another warm and humid walk with my puppy, I came back and decided it was time for a relaxing bath.  After seeing the cute toe and finger nails my daughter and her friend had painted during their sleepover last night, I decided I might as well try painting mine tonight!  As a full time single mom this summer, I haven't really had a reason to show off freshly painted nails, no hot dates or any exciting events that didn't involve in my kids.  But the book I recently finished, talked about feeling girly and more 'polished' by having painted nails.  So, I dug out my small tote and now have an exciting purple color on my toes and a pale shade of pink on my finger nails.  A little bit of color can add a little bit of joy to your evening.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 46 Joy during an evening walk

As we reached temperatures of over 90 degrees today and heat index over 100, most of the day hours were spent indoors in cooler air.  This evening though, I finally got my puppy out for an evening walk.  I know she needed the fresh (warm) air and exercise to use up some of her energy and as I was out and about the neighborhood streets with her, I realized how much I had needed it too.  The best, even though I didn't get a picture, was the setting sun glowing bright pink over the edge of the horizon.  With a smiling, panting dog at my side, I realized, that was my moment of joy for the day.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 45 Joy grocery shopping with my kids

In the past, I would never had said I enjoyed going grocery shopping...especially with two kids in tow.  Today, that change.  My daughter excitedly had created our list on her Nook tablet and brought it with, proudly read and checked off items as we went.  Better yet, my daughter and son were both picking out and commenting on the sale price of items, I was so impressed and proud of them for working together to save money.  Not to mention, there was not one moment of fighting or begging!  It was a joy to take them shopping today.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 44 Joy in a round of evening "Mom Pitch"

After spending most of our day indoors, in the air conditioning, the evening cooled down enough for a little baseball with my son and puppy.  After feeling like I hadn't accomplished much of anything today, getting outside and playing together, gave me a bit of joy I hadn't expected.  The best part was as my son was explaining, "We really aren't playing baseball mom, as I'm not running bases or anything.  It's just you, pitching the ball to I think we should call it 'Mom Pitch' Coach Pitch, but with your Mom!"  That right there, was the frosting on the cake.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 43: Joy in an American Girl movie with my daughter

Yes, tonight my eleven year old daughter excitedly silenced my son and I as the latest doll of the year had her movie debut on TV.  I had my latest book nearby, thinking I was going to get some reading in during the movie, but I actually ended up watching the entire movie with her.  Although done at a Tween level, the messages hold true for girls of all ages.  Dealing with relationship/friendship...struggles with change in our lives and the importance of art in our lives.  I was just looking forward to our time together and found unexpected joy in the movie tonight too.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 42 Joy in a hour on my own

Yes, other single parents or any parents for that children both were at friend's homes for an overlapping hour today!  What did I do with my time, ironically I went to the library first, as I was out of books to read and had some to return, but I realized it was nice not to hear "are we going NOW" every few minutes.  Then, I went to my favorite chocolate/coffee shop in town, using any change I could find around the house to splurge on a cappuccino for myself...and to see my 'second family' as I call them.  The family that owns the shop have been around for the six plus years of the chaos in my life and the owner, a mom who went through similar struggles as I have is such a great women to speak with as well.  I won't ever forget watching her make cat claws with her hand and saying, "hang in there!" as I was leaving.  That was definitely my moment of joy! :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 41 Joy discovering dog park

As I am noticing, getting out and about with our puppy has created quite a bit of joy lately.  Today was no different.  We meet our friends with a 4 year old dog, to visit the local dog park in their town.  Never been to a dog park, neither had I, but it was a fun experience.  They an extremely large fenced in area of land with a walking trail out to the large open green space with a few agility items for the dogs to play with if they'd like . There are also trees and bushes for shade, or hiding in, as well as picnic tables for grown ups.  Our puppy didn't quite know what to do when she got off her leash, but after a bit of walking a my side, sniffing all the new scents, the joy of running free in such a wide open space, with such an open smile with tongue hanging could you not feel the joy along with her!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 40 Joy in a lake

Tonight, all three of the kids and I burst out cheering, as we saw our puppy swim for the first time.  You could just feel the joy and excitement in the air.  We had taken her to this same dog beach at our closest State Park a few months ago and she didn't seem too interested in the water.  Others told us to give her time, she's a golden and she'll figure it out.  Sure enough, after a little coaxing from the three of us, she made it...watching her instincts kick in her doggie-paddling behind was a site we won't soon forget!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 39 Joy in painting again

After being inspired and encouraged by the book I finished last night, I finally got myself to sit down at my craft center/desk/area.  It was the first time I have painted since I moved in February, but found a few canvas boards I had not yet used, found some brushes and paint and began.  As I had first sketched on the canvas to outline my ideas, I found the perfectionist in me wanting to quit, but I kept going, reminding myself today was painting to get started, to create and come up with ideas, not to create a finished work of art.  It's amazing how you lose track of time doing something that brings you so much joy.  Good thing it was a laundry/relax and spend time around the house day!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 38 Joy in the pages of a book

This afternoon, after playing Lego-style football with my son for a bit longer than my personal liking, I picked back up the most recent book I have been reading, Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight, by Karen Scalf Linamen.  I love it when a book is able to speak to you right where you are at.  Well, okay it took until page 199 to really speak to my current life, but when it does, it's a great thing.  One of her 52 ways to master the art of personal change, number 38 to be exact, was entitled, "Ask Yourself, 'What Can I do?'"  It reminded me even when there are circumstances that are out of your hands, when you are temporarily stuck as she put it, there are always things you still CAN do...this, along with the first 15 minutes or so of Lego Football with my son, brought me joy today. ;)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 37: Joy in an old Slip-n-Slide

After a hot day of staying cool indoors, the kids were, well a bit restless to say the least.  My son was watching America's Funniest Home Videos after dinner and commented about our old slip-n-slide after seeing one on TV.  I told him that yes, we did bring it to this house, but I wasn't sure if it still worked.  Sure enough, we put the big hill in our backyard to a great use this evening.  The kids and later our puppy had a blast.  Well, the puppy just liked taking drinks from it, not really sliding down it...but the kids had a blast and all "three of my kids" had some much needed outdoor time.  Myself, I was filled with joy taking pictures of all the smiles.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 36 Joy in a smile

This evening, I was updating the scrapbooks with pictures from this past busy week, or rather month. After having my sister fly back home, my kids off doing their own thing, looking at all the fun that we had and not having much else on the calendar for this summer, I was feeling a bit down. But, anyone who has a dog, or puppy in the house, knows what the smile of your furry friend can do. I got to thinking of how much she probably appreciates that we were home again with her all day again and couldn't help but smile back. Once you start cuddling with that furry friend, how can you not be filled with joy.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 35 Joy at the Ballpark

Yes, tonight we ventured out to the Madison Mallards game with my parents and sister for the first time. The kids and I always share of the fun we have and so gave my parents tickets as Father's Day sister, leaving to head back to Texas tomorrow, was excited to come to her first game too. As we discovered it was going to be a double-header, as they had the second half of a rained out game to make up, we made sure we got there early. Being the first 20 or so in line, the person in charge of kids participating in games, came through and asked my kids to be involved again this time. They were so excited, maybe more so since our family was with us to watch. They had SO much fun and I have far too many pictures to show from it. A little before the second game, we discovered that not only did our neighbors from across the street have tickets, but were seated right next to us! What are the odds???? We stayed for most the of the second game too, and each time I looked down the row of seats at my family seated with me, they were all full of smiles, which in turn, filled me full of joy.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 34 Joy in a Spontanous Night Celebrating with Friends

Today, being the 4th of July, I woke thinking it was suppose to be something a bit more than any other day. I made the kids chocolate chip pancakes, we made it to the local parade for my daughter to cheer in and then the kids, my parents and sister all went to the zoo, as my sister had not been there since childhood. A few others had the same idea, we discovered, but still had a good time together. We made it back and had dinner with my family out on their deck and before we knew it the evening news was on. After seeing the fireworks two nights ago and not having a local show going on tonight, it just didn't feel like the holiday to me still. Then, I discovered I had a call from a friend I hadn't seen for a little while and here she invite the kids and I over for a campfire, S'more, Sparklers and fun. It was the perfect end to our day. Seeing our friends again, having fun out in the backyard, it was a joyous end to the day.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 33 Joy in games with the family

Earlier today, I was so excited about going to the Concerts on the Square with my children and sister. Plans change, the sky looks like rain and we end up around the house at my parents. I was a bit disappointed, okay, if my sister said we needed to pop the grumpy bubble encompassing me. Eventually, we convinced my parents to bring up the patio table to their deck and got the kids outside to play games. Hedbanz and Apples to Apples cause so much laughter. I didn't quite get my sister to spit out her drink, as I use to as a kid, but pretty darn close! My parents ended up joining us and laughter and joy could be heard from blocks away. Maybe we didn't have the fun evening I had planned, but we still found plenty of laughter and joy on the deck at my parents place.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 32 Joy in Traditions with Friends

Tonight, though two days before the actually holiday, the children and I went to see fireworks near Elver Park. We met up with one of my closest friends and her children and this year, as my sister was in town, she joined in too. As we saw our friends pull in the parking lot of the nearby hill/park side we watch the show from, she waved excitedly and the tradition began. This year, she brought treats and drinks for the kids, as well as sparklers, as she knew money is very tight for us right now. Before we knew it the kids were having a blast, running around chasing fireflies, twirling sparklers at dusk and settling in to watch the show. As the firework began to light up the sky, my friend questioned me how long had we been coming to see this show with the kids...five or six years at least we decided. Even though so many other life changes occur, it's so nice when some things are still able to remain the same. That's why I was filled with joy, enjoying our special tradition tonight...and being able to share it with my sister.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 31 Joy in the local pool

This afternoon, we took my sister, visiting from out of state this week, to our local pool. As it was only in the 70s and she lives in a warmer climate, we were just sitting on the lounge chairs, while the kids played in the water. My son, kept coming over asking if we would PLEASE come in too. Finally, we caved and a cool dip in the pool it was, but it was so worth it. As the kids were showing us things such as how they try and sit on the bottom of the pool for an entire second, how my daughter does her gymnastics floor dance/routine while in the water...the best part was watching my daughter and son hold hands and jump in from the edge at the same time. As much as I had wished I had a camera for that moment, I know it doesn't really matter, as I'll never forget that image of joy. The smile on their faces beaming with joy, in a rare moment of true love between siblings shining through. So on the ride home from town tonight, while they fought, poked, punched, teased each other the entire ride home, I have to flash back to that image, of the two of them sister and brother, filled with love and joy, as I know, regardless of the bickering, they both have.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 30 Joy with family

Today, my Aunt, Uncle and almost 87 year old grandmother came to see my sister who is in town from out of state. Sitting around my parents table, with everyone, was a moment of joy today. A second moment this evening, was sitting in the backyard, with my sister and kids making S'mores together. The smiles glowing from the firelight on my children's faces, to be spending time with their Aunt, a second great moment of joy. As much as having relatives can be stressful, it can also bring great moments of joy.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 29 Joy in the minivan

While driving back home from the airport, with the overwhelming kids and their Aunt Sara singinging at the top of their lungs to the radio and mom and dad talking at the same time, how could I not be stressed. Yet as stressed as I was trying to drive, looking back through the mirror and seeing my children radiating with joy, how could I not feel blessed.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 28 Joy in a sub sandwich

Today, was a rare day that my son was gone to a Cub Scout Camp and my daughter and I had a chance to go out to lunch, just the two of us. She picked the local Subway and so that's where we ended up after her gymnastics. Sitting across from 11 year old, about 5 foot tall daughter, it's just amazing how quickly time flies by and how blessed I am. I found a joy and pride of what a wonderful girl she has become during that short time alone, just the two of us.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 27 Joy at my daughter's Cheer Program

This afternoon, after three weeks of cheerleading, my daughter's smile beamed in the front row of her program. My mother, seated next to my son,commented on how happy she ooked, wondering if she was extra excited about something. I told her no, she's just excited to be cheering. Both gymnastics and cheer each day, have really been a hit this summer. When you see your daughter so happy, you can't help but be filled with joy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 26 Joy at the end of a day

Today, well technically yesterday as I am typing at 1 am, was filled with a few challanges. The greatest being my only computer, it's screen breaking. I have someone looking at tomorrow, but the reality of how much the kids and use it hit tonight. At the same time, we made it through and as I type this on my Nook, I hadn't realized it was possible until monents ago, I still wanted to share my joy for the day. If you focus on your blessings, thank those around you for helping out, at bedtime, even on a bad day, you can go to sleep still filled with joy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 25: Joy staying up half the night to finish a great book!

It has been years, probably since college, that I have found myself so excited about a book that I was able to stay awake until the wee hours of the morning to finish a book.  As the rain poured outside my bedroom window, the pages flew by through my fingertips.  Wanting to read, just a little further, loosing track of time, listening to the passing thunder and continuing on to find out what happens next.  I didn't stop when my cat, finally decided the puppy was sound asleep and wouldn't notice, curled up on against my leg and fell asleep himself.  I didn't stop to double check how late it had become, I was completely lost, or rather caught up in the story of Denny and his dog Enzo.  It's such a great experience to jump into a story and not return until you've flipped that last page.  Then you take a breath again, decide you need to turn off the light and feel the joy of such a great experience.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 24: Joy in starting a new book!

As my journey through the history and behind the scenes of how Starbucks came to be ended last night, well my journey through one book did, today I excited began a completely different book today, a novel entitled, "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein.  It is rare I read novels, as my usual books of choice are non-fiction, self-help, improvement, learn and grow in some way books...but with a gift card a couple weeks ago, I saw this paperback sitting out at the bookstore and the cover looked right at me.  Well, technically it was then eyes on the puppy photographed on the cover that looked at me, but I recognized it as a book others I know have read and enjoyed.  So excitedly I began late last night, I'm sure it technically was really this morning.  I didn't have much free time for reading today, so my daughter was shocked when I was reading this evening and did not have the TV on until the 9:00 evening news.  Really Mom, READING?  Yes, reading can be done at the Prime-time hour, imagine that 11 year old daughter of mine!  It can even be joyful!!! One quote stood out that I wanted to share tonight...

"Such a simple concept, yet so true:  that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny.  Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves."  pg 43...spoken by, the dog, Enzo.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 23 Joy in the back of the basement

After mowing the lawn in 80-some degree heat and lots of humidity, I headed inside this afternoon to shower, then to finish my current book.  I had planned to read, going downstairs as the kids were having too much fun to concentrate on the main floor.  Before I knew it, I had went to look for something in the back part of our basement.  A little history here...we just moved into this home at the end of February and the 'back of our basement is where all the storage is, as well as an 'in-progress' craft space for mom.  Before I knew it, my kids were hunting me down to find out what we were having for dinner!  It's amazing how you can get momentum going and accomplish a project you had never planned to take on.  So much progress in the back part of my basement today was my joy for the day.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 22 Joy in loosing track of time

The rain this morning prompted us to reschedule the first 'fun' activity I had planned for our local "Creating Joy" group I am working on forming in my community.  We were heading to an outdoor Winery to tour and enjoy company with current and new friends, but with the weather and other commitments, I decided rescheduling may be the best option.  A friend was so looking forward to meeting and suggested we do something else instead, so we met for coffee.  As I dropped off my kids and my parents, I explained I'm sure I won't be too long, an hour or so to catch up.  As we sat at the wonderful True Coffee shop I hadn't been to for awhile, I was reminded how much I enjoy the local art work on the walls and most of all the way two friends that don't meet that often can have so much to talk about.  We use to work together, both have been through divorces, she is currently just glowing in her new relationship and the time just flew by and we spoke...before we knew it, she had a phone call and we discovered it had been almost 3 hours.  Neither of us could believe it had been that long, sitting there loosing time and enjoying company.  Yes, that indeed was my 'joy of the day'.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 21 From Waiting comes Joy

Today was the first official day of summer and truly a great one to remember.  This evening we finally made it to our first Madison Mallards Baseball game, as we enjoy doing each summer.  As it was a "Bobble Head" night, meaning the first 100 or so in line received a free 'farmer duck' bobble-head, the kids wanted to make sure we were near the front of the line to enter the ballpark.  This means, having to wait for quite a bit to get in.  The kids were so patient and again, as happened to us once last summer, the women (summer intern I later found out) was going through the front part of the line looking for kids to help out with the games on the ball field in between innings.  My daughter was asked to be a 'racing fruit on the field'.  This entailed dressing up as a giant orange and racing a giant strawberry and apple.  She won and love it!  My son, who chose not to be a fruit when asked, did agree to another job, playing "Pitcher Bowling".  He didn't quite understand what he was doing, his sister and I thought maybe pitchers from drinks?  No, it was actually Mallard baseball players, standing up as human bowling pins while my son got to roll a giant yoga-type of ball and get a "strike"!  What made it even more exciting, was that while he waited to go out on the field, a home run was hit and he got to keep it, along with all the players that stood as bowling pins, autographed it.  What a night!  As I am learning in many aspects of my life, and tonight the kids did again too, that waiting really can bring many ways. :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 20 Joy in a puppy's smile

At 1AM this morning, I was having quite a difficult falling asleep.  It didn't help matters that to my side, I had the most adorable, panting, smiling puppy staring at me with wide eyes wanting me to say it was time to get up and play.  A good chance why I wasn't falling asleep, was knowing I had to get up early and drive that cute "third child" of mine to the vet to have surgery, to be spayed.  She had no clue what was coming, but was just grinning from ear to ear.  Leaving her at the vet this morning, all I could remember was that smile.  Luckily the call came in about 11:30 that the surgery had went well and she was waking up; we could pick her up anytime after 2:00.  We brought one lethargic puppy home and could hardly recognize the poor thing.  The best moment though, was a little bit after she was home and finally looked up at me and gave me a tired, but true Bella smile.  She was okay, she was back and still loved me.  That was my moment of joy today.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 19: Joy in a chapter and a coffee

This morning, after dropping off my daughter for her cheer lessons and before picking up my son from his basketball camp, I had a few moments to stop and use up my Starbucks "Thanks Teacher" gift card.  I kept it of course, just have to make sure I remember to remove it from my purse as I am thinking of it now.  ANYWAY, the best part of the current book I came across at the library last week, is all about Starbucks, entitled Starbucked:  A double tall tale of caffeine, comer and culture by Taylor Clack.  It really has been an interesting read, about half way through it already.  The best part was finding out all about the marketing/layout/design behind each of their stores.  To me, seeing the words I had read about before falling asleep last night, and while I was in their "experience" today, even for a brief chapter, was a different, fun kind of joy. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 18: Joy in a friends phone call

Mid-afternoon, after my kids were home from most of their daily activities and finding self-entertainment of their own, I picked up my book, not realizing how tired I was and tried to start reading.  The next thing I know, I am nodding off and hear my cell phone ringing in the distance.  After digging it out of my over-full mom purse, I see that my friend had just called and was able to catch her as I quickly called back.  She just called to get an address quick, but before I knew it almost an hour had passed by.  I love it how minutes fly by when you are catching up with a great friend, one who knows about your present, past, can relate and celebrate your day to day life with you.  Today, my post of joy is that surprise call from a friend that brightened up my afternoon.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 17: The Joy of Reading Poolside

This afternoon we finally made our debut at our town's local pool, or Aquatic Center as they call it.  It was a beautiful sunny summer afternoon in Wisconsin, temperatures in the 80s and two over-excited kids to return to our summer tradition.  Both found friends in moments of entering, and I was blessed to find a friend who had a lounge-chair front row of where my kids usually play.  I was able to catch up with her, put my feet up and actually read a chapter or two of my new book.  Peaking over at times to make sure they were both in site and still smiling.  It was just a joy to be able to actually find myself relaxing for a bit. As always, it's also fun to take the traditional photo of one of my kids coming down the water slide, brimming ear to ear with joy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 16: My son and his grandparents, joy seeing them together...

As I reflect back on today, first I must say it went better than I had went to bed thinking it may.  With my son waking up saying "Happy Grandfather's Day...or Father's Day, but we celebrate Grandpa?"...we tried to focus on celebrating their grandfather, my father today, as my children currently do not have their dad in their life.  I was not looking forward today, but made it through.  We were able to go out to lunch with my kids and my parents to celebrate Father's Day, took them to a local park where (on a less busy day) Grandpa can take the kids to fish and even made a quick stop for my mom at her favorite orchid shop outside of town.  As my mother grows orchids, has over forty currently, it was neat to see how excited my son was to see where they raise them.  He was so curious and didn't want to leave.  I think that moment, along with him later playing back at my parents place and not wanting to leave grandpa were my two main moments of joys today.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15: Blossoms of Joy

After returning home from our last puppy training class, the kids were off on their Nooks and I too, to finish my book.  On may way out back to my chair on the patio, I discovered the blossoms on the peonies had finally opened.  Many of the flowers or plants on the north side of the house were ones I had replanted, but these were there when I moved it.  A surprise of sorts and as I didn't know what was growing, what color it would be.  It's kind of like each day, you don't know what the day will bring, you know it's coming and you hope for it to be a beautiful one.  Today, to my surprise, they were gorgeous, vivid pink blossoms wide open for all to enjoy.  They gave me a reason to smile, with a little hope and joy in my day.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 14: Joy in a full tank of gas

Yes, today was payday.  Finally we had money back in the bank and I was able to fill up the minivan with gas again!!!  After making it through the first week of summer vacation with only $20, we did it.  It wasn't easy or fun, but it happened to be our reality for a week.  I can't tell you how good it felt to be able to drive out of town for the first time all week, run errands, buy groceries again.  It was a wonderful feeling of joy, that if I hadn't went through this past week, I would have otherwise taken for granted.  It's amazing the little things you take for granted.  Hopefully I won't in the future!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 13: Splashing Paws of Joy

This afternoon, as I tried to convince the kids to come out and enjoy the sunshine instead of playing hours of Minecraft on the computer, I went out with my puppy hoping to sit back and read for a bit.  As I sat down on the lounge chair and put my feet up, not many moments passed before I got back up again to take a picture of something cute my dog was doing.  Again and again getting distracted, I finally decided to play with her for a bit instead.  My son came out and we played catch as well as fetch with dog, then got out the hammock and soon decided to move and refill the puppy pool.  A bit over a month ago, we had filled up the kiddie pool, known at our house as the puppy pool, thinking our young Golden Retriever would absolutely love it.  Come to find out she was scared to go in or near it!  I have since hear from some others, that some puppies need to adjust, be shown that the water is okay and so today I decided to toss one of her favorite toys in the pool.  Sure enough, she cautiously walked in.  Once inside, she took a few drinks, got distracted by the patterns printed on the bottom of the pool and began pawing at them.  Watching her learn about water in this little pool was making me smile, laugh, it filled me with joy this afternoon.  Another unplanned moment brought me joy...maybe there is something to this enjoying the moment and not planning out all of our summer days. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 12: Joy while walking

The first round of showers had come through, but there was still that muggy humidity in the air and from the sky, radar on TV and hyper energy in my puppy, you knew another round of storms were on their way.  My kids were busy in their own little worlds and didn't want to joy me, so out the puppy and I ventured.  Wet covered pavement, but a silence in the air you don't get inside with two kids the first week of summer vacation.  Looking down and to my side, a smiling and soon panting puppy so excited to be out and about.  As we walked on, I realized how I missed taking these evening walks the past week or two.  With being around home more during the day, I had been slacking on our evening walks, the puppy and I that is.  But I think I needed the fresh air just as much as she did tonight.  A few moments of perspective, of peace, of exercise and a time to reflect and find joy in the moment. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 11: Finding Joy Around Home

When life give you lemons, make lemonade, or so I've be told.  What if you are out of Minute Maid Lemonade mix too?  Well, then you search for other options, or perhaps become a new fan of water again.  Starting our first week of summer with a different perspective from past years, finding ways to have fun around the house, town, I am trying but some days I feel better about how I am doing than others.  Having less, doesn't mean you have less love or joy...sometime you just have to reorient your focus, remember to focus on the present and keep a positive perspective on things.  You don't have to go places to have fun.  You can find it, if you try, in your own home, or perhaps you'll find joy in your own backyard....on a hammock, chatting with your children, as I did today.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 10 Start of Summer Vacation

A feeling of summer vacation.  Today was the first Monday of summer vacation for my children.  Technically, Friday was their first day, but a Monday off of school just feels like the real thing.  We kicked off the morning with NO alarms!!!  Next, cheer class for my daughter through the local rec. department, followed by a trip to the library to sign up for their summer reading program.  Before we knew it a friend was over on her bike wanting my daughter to go to the pool...we ended up at the local (free) beach instead.  Each of my children brought a friend, beach toys a they claimed they weren't going in the water, and lots of energy along with.  When we parked and were heading towards the local small lake, we saw our friends who we had no idea were going to be there too.  Sitting down on the beach towel, attempting to read, while getting distracted by all the laughter, squeals and other sounds was truly the sound of joy on a first 'official' day of summer vacation.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 9: Family Time

Today was a bit busier than most Sundays, but was time together.  From attending the local parade in town, to helping out at Dog Fest this afternoon, to family game night tonight, we were busy, but having fun.  Most importantly, looking back on the day, filled with joy as we did things together as a family.  Working together, volunteering at Dog Fest, although a bit tiring after walking for two hours, was really a fun opportunity that both kids want to go back and attend next year...WITH our puppy who will them be old enough to join us.  Then, this evening, spur of the moment, we decided to stay up and play a family game together, which just topped the day.  Watching the kids get along, laughing, getting up and dancing, I was filled with joy watching them have so much fun together.  It was a great ending to our first weekend of summer vacation.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 8: Joy in others

This evening, our new backyard was filled with friends, with kids of all ages running, laughing, playing, filled with joy.  As with the past parties of I have thrown, I rarely have or take the time to stop and take everything in, to look around and see all that was going on.  Tonight I did, and as I commented on the "organized chaos" around me, I also saw joy on so many faces.  I also saw so many smiles, laughter so much joy in the pictures I looked through once everyone had left.  It's amazing how much joy we receive when we are able to bring joy to others.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 7: The Joy of Instagram

A love of photography, the discovery that my phone is capable of using the Instagram application tonight and I am filled with joy!  From my first camera, I believe back in sixth grade, which I recall taking along to our Kettle Moraine Camping experience, to pictures of Grandpa in in fishing boat up at the cottage, I don't think a camera of some form has left my side ever since.  I was creating scrapbooks back before I knew the hobby existed.  One true way I can escape the outside world and focus on the joy of the moment, is when I am behind the camera lens, finding an imagine to capture and preserve.  There is so much beauty in nature, in the emotions on a human face, in the actions of everyday moments of family and friends.  The capability to preserve a moment in time to reflect back on and enjoy again and again.  To me, that is true joy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 6

What a day of  mixed emotions.  Today was the last day of school for my children and last day of my preschool day camp at work.  As the children rose with exhaustion, excitement and "it's the last day" cheers, coming home brought the same along with a bit of sadness to the end of something as well.  My son, who just loved his teacher, seeing his friends each day, and a routine to his days, refused to smile in the last class picture.  He told our puppy how excited he was to be home with her for the summer, yet so sensitive about this being his last day.  My daughter, on the other hand, so excited to be heading on to Middle School.  As I went outside to see if I could see her coming home from the bus stop, not only did I see her, but heard her.  I looked up as she cheered from a few houses away, "Mom, you are looking at a sixth grader!!!" from the top of her lungs and hands in the air.  Her joy became my joy for that fleeting moment this afternoon.  So proud and happy for all she has accomplished and who she is as a person!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 5

Have you ever had a pet dog, puppy, cat?  I hadn't until I had "grown up and had a place of my own".  I now can not imagine life without them.  I realize that yes, having a three and a half month old puppy can cause a bit of extra stress from time to time; but the joy, the unspeakable joy she can also bring.  From the puppy dog eyes that melt your heart, to the soft, furry ears that you can't help but stop and rub your hands over.  While she may be asleep, she sleeps right by your side, because the unconditional love she has for you and your children can bring joy too strong for words.  To go from anxiety about life churning in your stomach, to a few moments of cuddling, it's really a miracle how they can heal, even just for a few moments, what ails you.  Your stress dissipates as you look into those loving brown eyes, reminded of what really matters. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4

Today, I do not have a photo to accompany my post, as both of my arms were accepting the giant hug I received from my son when I appeared at his second grade picnic.  I didn't make back in time for lunch, but that didn't seem to matter one bit.  As I spotted him on the soccer field, I got close enough to shout to him, and his intense focus on him game was totally thrown aside as he came running up and literally jumped up and engulfed me with the most wonderful hug.  A hug he wouldn't let go of and I won't let go of that moment, that memory.  Right after it, I commented, well, I got my hug, time for me to go then?  Teasing him of course,  as this morning, I told him I didn't know if I'd make it back from teaching camp in time for the picnic...his response, 'just stop by for a hug mom!"  Well, in moments I was out there playing soccer with him.  Yes, he kept insisting, regardless of the fact there were only second graders all over the field.  I got another mom to join in with me as I did and the beaming joy on his face was enough to brighten the cloudy day, enough to take me away for any other stress in my world for that brief point in time and be totally present in the moment and enjoying it.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 3

Monday, a day a bit more challenging to find peace.  At least today, it was one of those days when you make a "to do" list before you go to bed and pray you didn't forget to add something to it!  Accomplishing items as you go, discovering you forgot a thing or two, before you know it kids are coming home from school and you are trying to find a second wind for the end of the year Cub Scout event, which you somehow do, you have no choice, you are a single mom and your son is counting on you. 

Tonight, reflecting on the chaos otherwise known as my day, I can say I did sit for a couple minutes during the flag burning ceremony and could enjoy the silence out at the park.  I listed to the script the older Boy Scouts read and watched as tons of boys seated around the campfire were able to sit in silence, in awe of what was going on.  It's not often you see someone cut the American flag, in an honorary fashion and then, while reading what was happening and why, they placed each piece of the flag separately into the fire.  As they explained, nothing else is to enter the fire nor did it.  It was a moment where all the grown ups, young energetic kids, younger siblings nearby all were quite, taking in the importance of what was taking place.  We are so blessed to live where we do, in a country where we have so much freedom that we can't imagine what it would ever feel like to be without it.  I guess today's joy is a different kind, a joy that we are so blessed to live in American, with freedom other in the world only dream about. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2

This morning, to be truthful, late morning...I gathered my cup of coffee, Nook and sweatshirt, yes only 51 at the time on our patio out back, ready to work on my mission to 'Be Still' a little bit each day.  As I was distracted by my first bright red strawberry on the plant nearby, the bright pink bleeding hearts in bloom and my puppy who wasn't quite ready to settle down and relax, I finally was able to read a chapter of my newest book. 

I was blessed that I had the outdoor space.  The kids apparently getting along on their own inside, or at least I didn't hear any loud cries for help, and today, the joy of putting my feet up for an hour to focus on a book, something other than the many other thoughts that race through your mind at any one moment in time during a day.  I was reminded in my reading, that with the Internet, especially social media, you pass the five stages of awesome, no longer have to work until post-midlife to accomplish things and can actually achieve 'awesome' as he refers to it so much faster.  Author, Jon Acuff, states on page 13:

Moms are making millions on blogs.  Teenagers are starting businesses on Facebook.  People are building empires on Pinterest.  Specialists still exist, but technology is finally available to the entire population.  Anyone can play.  I'm not a futurist.  I'm a presentist, which isn't' even a real word but sounds less lame than "right nowist."  Those three forces I just described aren't on the horizon.  They are the horizon-for you and me and anyone who is willing to escape average.

-Punch Fear in the Face-Escape Average Do Work That Matters: START.

The chapter I read so far, reminds us that at any age, at any phase in life, there is always hope to take on and achieve something more.  All you need is the drive to get there, faith in yourself, and I think a little joy along the way.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Joy: The First Day

Joy, a feeling of contentment with life and gratitude for what we have.  After the past few days of unintentionally being overcome by stress, impatience and anger, I was reminded by the saying, "Be Still".  I commented how I have not been able to be still lately, to step back and breathe.  Each day we face a mountain of changes, challenges, possibilities for joy or sadness, it is our choice how we react to the situations at hand.  I need to improve on my reactions and need to be held accountable.  Thus, I am stepping back each evening, with you, and looking back at the joy in my day.

Today, I had to make a decision regarding an outdoor party we had been planning and the weather brought challenges mid-day, later to discover we could have had our celebration after all.  What gift this challenge, obstacle give me?  I was given an evening at home with my children with absolutely no plans (rare these days).  The weather ended up okay, so I gathered up my courage (well, technically it was a lighter, starter log and S'more making supplies) and took on making my first ever campfire in our new backyard.  We moved this spring and were blessed with a fire circle in our backyard...the only thing was, I had never started a fire, someone had always been there to do it for me.  Even tonight, the outdoor party was going to have others that I planned to turn to for help.  I was filled with joy, as I watching the fire burn, the kids faces illuminate with smiles, giggles and the golden light from the flames. 

Had the weather earlier in the day not provided me with challenges, I would not have found this unplanned joy in my backyard tonight.  Just a reminder that as much as we plan our days, lives, Saturday nights, we need not be discouraged by change, but find the joy in it.