Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 62 Joy in a dog hug.

While the emails of new teachers and class lists, birthday parties and friends over to play, today ended up being a more hectic day than I had woke up thinking it was.  When my son ended up sick this evening, probably more exhaustion I am thinking, it was a reminder to stop going.  As I am taking a break from my recent book I have dove into, I am thinking back on the day as to what brought me the most job...I think that giant, calming smile from my puppy.  She had once again climbed/jumped up on my recliner, this time paw around each side of my stomach, literary hugging me and almost nose to nose with my face with the largest I LOVE YOU MOM smile.  How can that not be my moment of joy for today.  Of course, I couldn't capture it on film, but I did get another great smile as I was making our dinner.

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