Saturday, June 1, 2013

Joy: The First Day

Joy, a feeling of contentment with life and gratitude for what we have.  After the past few days of unintentionally being overcome by stress, impatience and anger, I was reminded by the saying, "Be Still".  I commented how I have not been able to be still lately, to step back and breathe.  Each day we face a mountain of changes, challenges, possibilities for joy or sadness, it is our choice how we react to the situations at hand.  I need to improve on my reactions and need to be held accountable.  Thus, I am stepping back each evening, with you, and looking back at the joy in my day.

Today, I had to make a decision regarding an outdoor party we had been planning and the weather brought challenges mid-day, later to discover we could have had our celebration after all.  What gift this challenge, obstacle give me?  I was given an evening at home with my children with absolutely no plans (rare these days).  The weather ended up okay, so I gathered up my courage (well, technically it was a lighter, starter log and S'more making supplies) and took on making my first ever campfire in our new backyard.  We moved this spring and were blessed with a fire circle in our backyard...the only thing was, I had never started a fire, someone had always been there to do it for me.  Even tonight, the outdoor party was going to have others that I planned to turn to for help.  I was filled with joy, as I watching the fire burn, the kids faces illuminate with smiles, giggles and the golden light from the flames. 

Had the weather earlier in the day not provided me with challenges, I would not have found this unplanned joy in my backyard tonight.  Just a reminder that as much as we plan our days, lives, Saturday nights, we need not be discouraged by change, but find the joy in it.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. I'm glad you had such a wonderful night despite the challenges. I love the last line of your blog, "find the joy in it." It reminded me of Pollyanna, "you must find something to be glad about." :)
